5 research outputs found


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    This paper describes how the game is a tool to support the strengthening of character education for its users. In implementing the Independent Learning Education, Merdeka Campus, Bandung State Polytechnic, collaborated with the industry to apply gamification to the concept of character education and the nation's cultural values. Some of the objectives of this gamification activity are: (a) Getting the ethnic group’s information; (b) Providing users inspiration to develop themselves; (c) Growing a better direction mindset. The game developed is a web-based application (online gamification), so as many students/students and lecturers as possible can use the game to support strengthening character education and the nation's cultural values. The manual version of the video game content (prototype) is available, namely the 2021 research output containing Pancasila character content based on ethnic excellence. The elements of educational content in online gamification contain the results of identifying the prominent characters of 10 ethnic groups in Indonesia with the largest population (Dayak, Madura, Jawa, Sunda, Baduy, Batak, Banjar, Minahasa, Betawi, Minang). This study used three approaches which are Qualitative-Explorative, Qualitative-Descriptive, and Evaluation. The method used to know how gamification was implemented in character education and the nation's cultural values. It is hoped that gamification can integrate into the learning process for compulsory national subjects. Thus, students can become users and a market for the gamification industry


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    The Service Engineering (SE) is understood as a framework to create innovative services in application development of information technology approach to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Implementing SOA is required methodology to identify services that can be used again in the application and organization of a company. in this research, software development model used is object-oriented methodologies, SOA itself is a collection consisting of tools, technologies, frameworks, and best practices that facilitate the implementation of a service quickly. in a study this uses the tools of Business Process Management System (BPMS) to support the implementation of service-oriented software. the purpose of this study is to produce a model of activities and artifacts of the application software development models of the SE with a case study Rate Loans. Validation to the design of the model is done through testing of the software produced. The results showed that the application of the SE in the development of service-oriented software can use the object-oriented methodology by providing additional value-added analysis and redesign of business processes to be implemented on a BPMS. BPMS usage of the application of the SE on the SOA has the advantage of visualization in the management of business processes

    Analysis of frequent itemset generation based on trie data structure in Apriori algorithm

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    Apriori is one technique of data mining association rules that aims to extract correlations between sets of items in the transaction database. The main problem with the Apriori algorithm is the process of scanning databases repeatedly to generate itemset candidates. This research examines the combination of pruning by using the trieapproach and multi-thread implementation in three algorithms to obtain frequent itemset. Trie is a data structure in the form of an ordered tree to store a set of strings where every node in the tree contains the same prefix. The use of a full combination trie (different from frequent pattern (FP) tree using links) allows the implementation of arrays and the hash calculation to achieve the addressing of itemset combination. In this research, the measure to get the address is called Hash-node calculation used to update support value. For these three alternatives, run time processing is analyzed based on the number of itemset combinations and transaction data at a certain minimum support value. The experimental results show that an algorithm thatexploits resource capabilities by applying multi-threadperforms almost seven times betterthanan algorithm implemented in single-thread in calculating hash-node. The fastest run time of the multi-thread approach is 43 minutes with 150-itemset combinations on 100,000 transaction data


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji model pengembangan perangkat lunak berorientasi service (Service Oriented Architecture / SOA) menggunakan metodologi berorientasi objek (Unified Process / UP). Rincian dari model pada penelitian ini terdiri dari: Proses, Notasi, dan Alat Bantu. Dimana Proses menggunakan Rational Unified Process (RUP); Notasi menggunakan Business Process Modeling (BPM); Alat Bantu menggunakan Business Process Management System (BPMS). Untuk melakukan validasi terhadap hasil rancangan, digunakan validasi pada teori dasar pendukung penelitian dan expert judgement guna pembuktian hipotesis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktifitas-aktifitas dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak berorientasi service dapat menggunakan metodologi berorientasi objek dengan melakukan penambahan aktifitas, yakni analisis service dan perancangan service dari konsep BPM. Melalui analisis dari proses bisnis saat ini (as-is) maka akan teridentifikasi rancangan kandidat-kandidat service sesuai model service (to-be) yang akan dikembangkan. Aktifitas tambahan ini dilakukan pada kerja proses Design dan akan terus disempurnakan sesuai iterasi dari setiap fase RUP

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